Sunday 7 February 2010

New 'tab' pages for The Art of the Landscape Blog

I'm using the new Blogger functionality to create pages about the Art of the Landscape project. I'll be using these pages as the index to access information on this blog.
I've organised them as follows
  • About This Project - provides access to the main resource sites I'm creating as a result of this project
  • Timeline - enables access to the main art movements and identified changes in landscape art across different continents
  • Famous Artists - lists links to resource sites about famous landscape artists, blog posts and/or (ning) forum threads. This index will be updated as the project progresses
  • Geographic: The next four tabs are area based and all do the same thing - they organise information on a geographical basis and include resource sites about famous landscape artists associated with that area and a timeline for the development of landscape art in: Britain, Europe, North America and Asia (Australasia will also be included when 'somebody' does some research!)
  • Improve your landscapes - provides an outline of the planned topics for future posts and links to existing resources provided by artists involved with this project. You can write a post on your own blog and have it highlighted in this index if featured on this blog. Do please make suggestions for good links which could be included here.
  • Books - lists the resource sites and blog posts about landscape art books
If you want to know more about how to create pages/tabs on your Blogger blog you need to review this Blogger help page - What are Pages?

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